








With the development of science and technology, air quality testing, as one of the daily products, is constantly iterating and updating, increasingly tends to be intelligent and humanized. The current environmental control in the air mainly controls the temperature of the environment, which can not meet the current people's needs for comfortable, safe and high-quality life. This paper designs a control quality inspection, which is mainly divided into two parts: hardware part and software part. Hardware Part: Mainly adopts STC89C52 microcontroller as the main control chip, adopts the temperature and humidity detection module DHT11 to detect the temperature and humidity in the environment, adopts the wind speed detection module to detect the wind speed in the environment, uses the PM2.5 detection module to detect the PM2.5 value in the current environment, and uses the detected data through LCD12864 as the liquid crystal display module of this design. In the software part, Keil5 is used as the programming software of the design, AD is used as the drawing software of the schematic diagram and PCB of the design, STC-ISP is used as the burning software of the design program, and Visio is used as the drawing software of the flow chart of the design. Through software and hardware to cooperate, make the design of the system can realize the detection of environmental temperature and humidity, environment wind speed detection, environment PM2.5 detection, and detection data is transmitted to the LCD screen display, for users to view, the design can better interpret the development of science and technology, reflects the articles for daily use of intelligent and humanization.

Keywords:temperature and humidity; The wind speed; PM2.5; STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer

摘  要


第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及实际意义

1.2 国内外发展历程

1.3 本论文研究目标与框架

第2章 系统设计方案

2.1 主要元器件选择

2.1.1 主控芯片选择

2.1.2 温湿度检测模块方案选择

2.1.3 显示方案选择

2.2 整体设计方案

第3章 硬件设计

3.1 主控模块电路

3.2 温湿度检测模块电路

3.3 风速检测模块电路

3.4 PM2.5检测模块电路

3.5 液晶显示模块电路

第4章 系统程序设计

4.1 编程软件介绍

4.2 主程序流程设计

4.3 显示函数流程设计

第5章 空气质量检测仿真测试

5.1 仿真总体设计

5.2 上电仿真测试

第6章 实物制作与调试过程

6.1 实物调试部分

6.2 实物检测测试

第7章 结论

参 考 文 献



附录A: 原理图






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